Réflexions sur les Fondements de la Logique


Will Faught

2 minutes

French scientific network on the foundations of logic and computation. The group was initially founded by four PhD students during the “Linear Logic Winter School 2022” but we now aim for a broader group where discussions can be initiated between logicians, computer scientists, mathematicians, philosophers and more. We have people with various backgrounds and profiles and we all share a taste for deep questions and the aim of proposing original insights and new perspectives of the foundations of computation and logic. In particular, we take a great interest in the role of computer science in the understanding of logic.

We are inspired by the transdisciplinarity of the LIGC working group which gathered researchers from various fields around the foundations of (linear) logic.

We use French for our discussions, seminars and meetings but we are open to English speakers for discussions.

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Our scientific interests

  • foundations and philosophy of logic, computation and mathematics
  • history of logic and computation
  • category theory and its applications
  • proof-program correspondence and proof/type theory
  • Jean-Yves Girard’s works: linear logic, proof-nets, ludics, geometry of interaction, transcendental syntax

Our activities

  • seminars (generally online)
  • debates and discussions on Zulip
  • private meetings in person between some participants
  • collaboration and mutual assistance (thesis, research, software, programming, …)
  • writing, communication, programming projects

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Will Faught


Will Faught


January 0001


Some meetings were private and informal. For these reasons, they are not recorded here. “Meeting RI2025 in Morbihan” (April 28th – May 2nd, 2025) organised by Jérémy Hervé, Boris Eng, Victor Benitah (around 16 people). Details of the meeting “Fondements esthétiques de la logique” (November 1st, 2024) by Pierre Cardascia (16 people). “Morts du mythe, de l’art, de la philosophie, de la logique : Itinéraire d’un problème serial-killer”, Pierre Cardascia (1h30) “Introduction to transcendental syntax” (June 20th, 2024) by Boris Eng and Pablo Donato (5 people).

Will Faught

3 minutes


Co-founders Davide BarbarossaLambda-calculus, type theory, linear logic, category theory, classical realizability, philosophy of mathematics – Università di Bologna Pablo Donato 🌸 (administrator)proof theory, type theory, topos theory, proof assistants, human-computer interaction, end-user programming – Grothendieck Institute Boris Eng 🦖 (administrator, coordinator)Transcendental syntax, proof theory, linear logic – R&D engineer at OCamlPro Valentin MaestracciLambda-calculus, type theory, homotopy type theory, Dedukti, directed homotopy theory, rewriting – Université Aix-Marseille Members Léo Andrès compilation, functional programming, symbolic execution, programming languages – R&D engineer at OCamlPro Victor Benitah formal systems explorer, co-founder of an electronic firm – Airline pilot at Air France Hugo Cadière Philosophy of mathematics / computer Science / language / mind, German Idealism and XXth century German philosohy – Université Jean-Moulin Lyon 3 Pierre Cardascia 🎲Philosophy, Game Design, Entrepreneurship, Immersive Experience, Poetry – SubOptimal Games (private company) Baptiste ChanusDescriptive complexity – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Kostia ChardonnetComputer science, quantum computation, cyclic proofs – Centre Inria de l’Université de Lorraine (MOCQUA) Sidney CongardSemantics of programming languages – Centre Inria de l’Université de Rennes (Galinette) Xavier DenisDeductive verification and specification of Rust programs Charles Grellois Semantics, (linear) logic, automata theory, higher-order model-checking, mathematical modeling, probabilistic termination, algebra/categories to model real-world problems - University of Sheffield Jérémy Hervé 🍄Mushrooms, operating systems design – Independent Ambroise LafontType Theory and Category Theory – École Polytechnique (LIX) Luc PommeretLogic, LLM (Machine learning) – Université Paris Cité (IRIF) Adrien RagotProof-nets, interaction nets, implicit computational complexity, lambda-calculus, linear logic – Université Sorbonne Paris Nord / University Roma Tre Paul SéjournéArchaic and contemporary philosophy (of mathematics), algebraic geometry, category theory – Université Paris-Sorbonne Vincent MoreauCategory theory, type theory, denotational semantics, topology, algebra, proof assistants – Université Paris Cité (IRIF) TitoLinks between linear logic and automata theory, combinatorics, computational complexity, algorithms – CNRS & Aix-Marseille Visitors and guests Titouan Carette, Clémence Chanavat, Bernardo Marques, Julien Marquet, Rémi Nollet, Federico Olimpieri, Raphael Tossings, Pierre Vial, Quentin, Gael Deest, Martin Tricaud, Fadi Shawki, Eliès Harington, Axel Kerinec, Aloÿs Dufour, Bernardo, Anne-Laure, Escherichia, Alexey, François-René Rideau (Faré), Roman Perez, Nico, Chirine Laghjichi, Jonty Male, Alexis Toumi, Baptiste Colin, Pierre Giraud.

Will Faught

2 minutes


Reading » Wittgenstein’s “De la certitude” Participants: Vincent Moreau, Tito, Boris Eng, Sidney Congard. Development of Girard’s Transcendental Syntax » Development of the Stellogen programming language Participants: Boris Eng. Stellogen is a minimalistic and logic-agnostic programming language based on term unification. The goal is to develop a programming language and a guide (in the idea of Software Foundations for Coq) in order to make the ideas of Girard's transcendental syntax more accessible.

Will Faught

2 minutes

ReFLi 2025 Meeting

Rencontre du 28 avril 2025 au 2 mai 2025 au Morbihan. Organisateurs : Victor Benitah; Boris Eng; Jérémy Hervé. Le séminaire est organisé par l’association “Reflets Intemporels” fondée dans le cadre de cette rencontre. Il s’agit d’une rencontre réunissant environ 16 personnes provenant du réseau de recherche ReFL et de la société privée (et proches) d’électronique Crystal. Cette rencontre est l’occasion d’exprimenter à la fois les capacités de ReFL et Crystal à organiser et des rencontres scientifiques mais aussi d’explorer des méthodes différentes de communication et de collaboration.

Will Faught

1 minute


“Le fantôme de la transparence” – Jean-Yves Girard Syntaxe transcendentale (Wikipédia) Transcendental Syntax (nlab) “An exegesis of transcendental syntax” (PhD thesis) – Boris Eng “La logique face à l’arbitraire” (French) – Sidney Congard “Les limites de la correspondance preuve/programme” (French) – Laurent Regnier “Aristote et l’électricien : le branchement des idées” (French video) – Paolo Pistone “D’une logique à l’autre” (French video) – Laurent Regnier “Symmetry and interactivity in Programming” – Pierre-Louis Curien “Radical anti-realism and substructural logics” – Jacques Dubucs & Mathieu Marion “Which Logic for the Radical Anti-Realist?

Will Faught

1 minute